Kidneyleaf Buttercup (Small-flowered Buttercup,

Ranunculus abortivus                 Small-flowered Crowfoot)     

An inconspicuous plant, this buttercup has somewhat rangy stems, branching periodically, surmounted with small yellow flowers. The basal leaves are oval or round in shape and have a long stalk; leaves along the stems are lance-shaped and notched or lobed (sometimes even pinnate), up to 2 inches long. The flowers, about 1/4-3/8 inch across, have five small triangular yellow petals and a center with globular yellow stamens surrounding a domed central carpal.

1-2 feet, partial sun-partial shade.

Spring-Summer (April-August).

Many plants are rangier and not as robust in appearance as this specimen.

14 April 2021.

Kidneyleaf Buttercup, 14 April 2021.

The round or kidney-shaped basal leaves on stalks.

24 April 2021.