Upland White Goldenrod (White Goldenrod)
Oligoneuron album (formerly Solidago ptarmicoides

This goldenrod was long classified as an aster (A. ptarmicoides), and indeed it resembles asters more than it does most goldenrods, but it was reclassified by the 1990s among the goldenrods; its placement remains debated, however, whether in Solidago, Oligoneuron, or other genera.
Flattish clusters of white flowers, each about 3/4 inch across, are atop low plants with very narrow leaves, up to 5 or 6 inches long but only 1/4" or a bit more wide.
1-2 feet, sun or partial sun.
Summer (June-September).
7 August 2020.
Upland White Goldenrod, 21 August 2020.