Giant Hogweed

Heracleum mantegazzianum

This plant produces large umbels of white flowers on long stems. Lower leaves can be enormous--2 feet or more across--and are deeply lobed, with 3, 5, or 7 separate "fingers," each of which has toothed or rough edges.

The sap of this plant is said to cause severe light-sensitivity to exposed skin leading to serious sunburn.  Best avoided!

3-9 feet, sun.

Summer (June-August).

Flowers beginning to open in an umbel. Note the toothed "fingers" of the deeply cleft leaves.  

23 June 2020.

Giant Hogweed, 6 July 2020.

The large basal leaves.

23 June 2020.

Seed heads forming after blooming is completed.

13 August 2020.