Tuberous Indian-Plantain
Arnoglossum tuberosum (formerly Cacalia tuberosa)

This plant produces a flat-topped umbel of white flowers, similar to those on other species of Indian- Plantain (see image below). The leaves are large (up to 8 inches long), ovate, with smooth (untoothed) edges and 5 or 7 prominent parallel veins, and have substantial stalks attaching them to the main stem. They are thick and meaty-feeling. The stem is erect, round, about 3/4 inch in diameter, green with red veins or reddish coloration.
The name of the Indian-Plantains as a group may come from this particular species, the shape of the basal leaves of which resembles the shape of the leaves of Common Plantain (Plantago major).
On possible confusion with Prairie Indian-Plantain, see the page for that plant.
3-6 feet, sun - partial sun.
Summer (June-September).
Flowerheads resembling those of other Indian-Plantains.
15 July 2020.
Tuberous Indian-Plantain, 17 July 2020.