Tall Ironweed
Vernonia altissima (Vernonia gigantea)

The brilliant purple flowers, in wide panicles, are up to 2 inches across each, and consist of many tubular disc florets, emerging from a cylindrical involucre of green or brownish bracts which is about 3/4 inch long. Stems are round and green, unbranched except near the flowering heads. Leaves attach to the stem on very short (or no) stalks, and are large, up to 10 inches long toward the bottom of the plant, smaller ascending the tem; they are pointed, toothed on the edges, and have a grey-green down on the underside.
4-10 feet, partial shade.
Late Summer - Autumn (August-October).
Note cylindrical involucre beneath flowering heads.
3 August 2020.
Tall Ironweed, 24 August 2020.

Underside of the leaves.
24 August 2020.