Narrow-leaved Mountain-Mint
Pycnanthemum tenuifolium

This low plant (rarely as high as 30 inches) is bushy and covered in a profusion of very narrow, small leaves. Toward the top of the plant, there appear many spherical clusters of whitish buds; each cluster is about 1/2 inch in diameter (see bottom photo). The buds then blossom as individual flowers, with usually one upper and three lower lobes, white with tiny pink or purple flecks. These flowers open irregularly, not all at once.
1-2 feet, sun.
Summer (July-September).
Typically bushy form of the plant.
26 July 2020.
Narrow-leaved Mountain-Mint, 26 July 2020.

The very narrow leaves (1/8 inch wide), seldom more than about 2 inches long.
22 July 2020.

A plant with floral heads in bud stage but with flowers not yet open; it gives the plant a somewhat different appearance at first sight.
5 July 2020.