Silky Prairie-Clover
Dalea villosa (formerly Petalostemum villosum)

This plant has a bushier, more branched or shrubby growth habit and somewhat looser and more pointed flowering spikes than other Prairie-Clovers; its blooms are a deep purple, blooming from the bottom of the spike up as the season progresses. The spike may be up to 12 inches long. Most striking of all is the noticeable hairiness of flowers, leaves, and stems. The compound leaves, 6 inches or more in length, are profuse and each leaf consists of a dozen or more opposite pairs of leaflets, each about 1/4 inch wide and one inch or more long.
1-3 feet, sun.
Summer (June-August).
The flowering spike in the bud stage, before florets open. The flowers and leaves are quite fuzzy.
19 June 2020.
Silky Prairie-Clover, 5 July 2020.