Purple-flowering Raspberry
Rubus odoratus
A member of the Rose family, the flowers of this shrub strongly resemble pink single rose blossoms. Opening from a dark pink bud about 1/2 inch in diameter, each 5-petaled flower is about 2 inches across with many yellow stamens in the center. Leaves are about 5-6 inches across and with pointed lobes, resembling somewhat a maple leaf, but strongly marked witn indented feather-veins. The spiny canes remain standing after losing their foliage in fall, and sprout new growth in spring, so that the plant grows into a substantial bush about 6 feet across.
2-6 feet, sun - partial sun.
Summer (June-August).
The canes do not die back, but remain standing all winter and sprout new growth in spring.
18 January 2021.
Purple-flowering Raspberry, 10 June 2020.