Robin-Plantain (Robin's Plantain)
Erigeron pulchellus

A shorter and often showier perennial relative of the Fleabanes, which are annuals or biennials, this plant blooms several weeks to a month earlier and is much shorter. It forms a basal rosette of leaves with narrow bases and a broader rounded tip, sometimes with shallow indentations; from this rises a thick stem atop which forms a head of one to several flowers. Stems and leaves are soft-hairy. The compound flowers, 3/4 to more than 1 inch across, have yellowish disks and many rays that vary from white to lavendar to hot pink.
1 foot or a bit more; sun - partial sun.
Spring (April-June).
Basal leaves with marked stalk, dumbell-shaped; hairy stems and leaves; forms small colonies.
21 May 2020.
Robin-Plantain, 4 June 2020.