Flowering Spurge
Euphorbia corollata

A common native perennial, Flowering Spurge sends up from its taproot one or more round stems which branch near the top to support several open panicles of flowers. The flowers, about 1/4 inch across, have five white oval bracts (looking like petals), which sometimes have a notch at the tip, and yellow centers. Panicles of these flowers may be several inches or as much as a foot across, and in full bloom the plant is quite showy. Leaves are narrow, about 2-3 inches long and 1/2 inch wide, and ascend the stems in alternate array, except near the top where the branching occurs, where they form a whorl of several leaves. Leaves are smooth-edged (untoothed), closely attached to the stem, and have a rounded tip.
1-3 feet, sun - partial sun.
Summer-Autumn (June-October).
The plants are often somewhat 'leggy;' clearly visible are the regularly spaced narrow leaves along the stems.
7 July 2020.
Flowering Spurge, 17 July 2020.

A plant resplendent at the height of the blooming season.
2 August 2020.