Shrubby St. Johnswort
Hypericum spathulatum (also H. prolificum)

In good light, this plant forms an attractive woody shrub, which in blooming season is covered with many clusters of yellow flowers. Each flower, up to 1 inch across, has 5 petals and a profusion of stamens in the center and a fused set of 3 styles (most easily noted in the seed capsules, see photo, bottom). Leaves are ovate, usually 2 inches or less in length but occasionally an inch longer, and attached closely to the stems. The lower stems of this species become woody and shed bits of brown bark. The shrub keeps its shape through the winter (see below left), with its seed capsules still in place.
1-4 feet, sun-partial sun.
Summer (July-September).
A handsome specimen in full bloom.
12 Ju;y 2020.
Shrubby St. Johnswort, 12 July 2020.
The woody stems of the shrub after winter, with seed capsules.
21 March 2021.
The seed capsules in three sections with three points.
27 March 2021.