Tall Thimbleweed (Tall Anemone)
Anemone virginiana

Resembling other anemones, this species is taller (even though its 'thimble' seed-heads are shorter than those of Thimbleweed (A. cylindrica). Leaves are often a cluster of three pointed leaflets, and leaves form a whorl around the stem. The flowers appear at the end of long, thin stalks, often a foot long; flowers have five white or greenish-white sepals (looking like petals) and a domed, prickly center of pistils, which grows longer as blooming advances. There are also many stamens with yellow or brown anthers at the end surrounding the pistillate center.
2-3 feet, sun - partial sun. I
Summer (July-August).
The seed-head of a bloomed-out flower; shorter and wider than those of Thimbleweed (A. cylindrica).
28 June 2020.
Tall Thimbleweed, 28 June 2020.