Greek Valerian
Polemonium reptans

A beautiful spring plant, with pinnate compound leaves, untoothes and ovate, and clusters of blue-violet bell-shaped flowers with white anthers on short stamens within the bell.
There seems to be some confusion about the common name of this species. Peterson identifies P. reptans as Greek Valerian; Hilty identifies it as Jacob's Ladder, and identifies Greek Valerian with P. van-bruntiae, which Peterson in turn calls Jacob's ladder. But all descriptions of P. van-bruntiae (including Gray) describe it as having a longer compound leaf with up to 21 leaflets, much more ladder-like than the leaves of P. reptans. Peterson's designation thus seems more logical and is followed here.
Under 2 feet, partial sun.
Spring (April-June).
13 May 2020.
Greek Valerian, 4 June 2020.