Abutilon theophrasti

Soft as a puppy's ear between the fingers, the large (up to 8 inches across), heart-shaped leaves of this plant have a wonderful velvety feel. They have pronounced palmate veins and relatively long stems. From leaf axils emerge yellow flowers of five petals on a short stem. The flowers are replaced after blooming by distinctive seed cases in the form of a squat cylinder (see picture at left), green at first then quickly brown.
The leaves are striking when first opening; they seem to 'unroll' from the center out, at times looking like shower caps with an elastic margin. (See photo below left.)
This plant is an alien annual.
3-6 feet, sun - partial sun.
Summer-Autumn (July-October).
Large cordate leaves with palmate veins. It is worth feeling their velvety surface.
23 July 2020.
Velvet-Leaf, 2 August 2020.

Young leaves "unrolling."
24 July 2020.