Actinomeris alternifolia

A common sight in late summer, Wingstem is named for the raised vanes along its main stem (see photo below left). The tall main stem branches near the top to support several heads of yellow flowers with rather coarse, knobby centers and a sparse number of long petals; the flowers are about 1-1/2 inch across. The leaves are large (up to 12 inches near the base), alternate, lance-shaped, smooth- edged, and attach directly to the stem. Not to be confused with the similar Crown-Beard, Verbesina occidentalis, which has opposite leaves.
3-8 feet, sun - partial sun.
Summer (August-September).
Sometimes a towering plant.
22 August 2020.
Wingstem, 5 August 2020.

The alternate leaves emerge from vanes or "wings" along the main stem.
5 August 2020.