Wildflowers S
The listing includes both the common (English) name and the scientific (Latin) name for plants, the latter given in italic font. Clicking on a name will take you to the file for that plant.
Sainfoin (Psoralea onobrychis)
St. Johnswort, Common (Hypericum perforatum)
St. Johnswort, Great or Giant (Hypericum pyramidatum)
St. Johnswort, Kalm's (Hypericum kalmianum)
St. Johnswort, Round-fruited (Hypericum sphaerocarpum)
St. Johnswort, Shrubby (Hypericum spathulatum)
Strawberry, Common (Fragaria virginiana)
Strawberry, False (Potentilla indica)
Strawberry, Indian (Potentilla indica)
Strawberry, Mock (Potentilla indica)
Sundrops, Prairie (Oenothera pilosella)
Sunflower, False (Heliopsis helianthoides)
Sunflower, Giant (Helianthus giganteus)